Welcome to Fallsburg Fishing & Boating Club
News for Pleasure Lake Members
Special Announcement (August 16, 2024)
This summer has been amazing! There have been so many great events and opportunities for members to get together with fellow members, family and friends at our 36th Annual Kids' Fishing Contest and BBQ (with an awesome Fireworks Display), the 8th Annual Lake Crawl, the annual Golf Scramble event, the 2nd Annual Boat Parade, Happy Hours every month and so much more! But the summer is not over, and more events are coming, including our annual Sail Boat Race this weekend on Saturday, August 17th in Bingo on Saturday August 24th and September 7th, Happy Hour on September 14th and so much more to enjoy around Pleasure Lake!
The Fallsburg Fishing & Boating Club's Annual Shareholder Meeting will be held on Sunday, September 1, 2024 at 9:30 am at the Clubhouse. All Active Members in good-standing are welcome and encouraged to attend.
(The Call to Meeting is posted in the Member Documents tab of this website)
The Fallsburg Fishing & Boating Club's Annual Shareholder Meeting will be held on Sunday, September 1, 2024 at 9:30 am at the Clubhouse. All Active Members in good-standing are welcome and encouraged to attend.
(The Call to Meeting is posted in the Member Documents tab of this website)
Special Announcement (July 5, 2024)
Our resident eagles have fledged two new eaglets from the nest on July 3rd! More than a dozen baby eagles have left this nest over the years & have settled in along Fallsburg's Neversink River and surrounding areas - so awesome!!!
Thank you to all our members for refraining from fireworks around Pleasure Lake over the last week. We are thrilled to announce that our Town permit for the professional Fireworks Display on Pleasure Lake on July 13th is in hand and we are looking forward to a great day of fun with our 36th Annual Kids' Fishing Contest and BBQ followed by the Fireworks Display at dark. A reminder that our 2nd Annual Boat Parade in on Saturday July 6th, and the Fallsburg Fishing & Boating Club Annual Scramble Golf Event will be held on Friday July 12th at 10am for a shotgun start at the Fallsburg course at Lochmor in Loch Sheldrake. It has been a great summer so far, and there is so much more planned for a fun-filled summer of fun, friends, events and lots of fishing & boating. Please be sure to volunteer to help with some of these events!
Should you have any questions or require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you to all our members for refraining from fireworks around Pleasure Lake over the last week. We are thrilled to announce that our Town permit for the professional Fireworks Display on Pleasure Lake on July 13th is in hand and we are looking forward to a great day of fun with our 36th Annual Kids' Fishing Contest and BBQ followed by the Fireworks Display at dark. A reminder that our 2nd Annual Boat Parade in on Saturday July 6th, and the Fallsburg Fishing & Boating Club Annual Scramble Golf Event will be held on Friday July 12th at 10am for a shotgun start at the Fallsburg course at Lochmor in Loch Sheldrake. It has been a great summer so far, and there is so much more planned for a fun-filled summer of fun, friends, events and lots of fishing & boating. Please be sure to volunteer to help with some of these events!
Should you have any questions or require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Semi-Annual Meeting and Welcome Back Announcement (May 8, 2024)
Dear Members:
As the Fallsburg Fishing & Boating Club (“FF&BC”) readies for the upcoming 2024 Summer season, the Board of Directors reminds you of the following important items:
First, our Semi Annual Membership Meeting will be held on Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 9:30 am at the Clubhouse. All Active Members are welcome and encouraged to attend. The annual Work Party will be the morning before, on Memorial Day weekend Saturday, May 25th starting at 9am; work is expected to conclude by noon and we will meet at the Clubhouse for a BBQ. The Call to Meeting and various membership documents (including Annual Meeting minutes from September 2023, the proposed budget and updated House Rules and Building Guidelines) are available on the Members Documents tab of the website.
Second, we have sought and obtained permits from the NYS DEC and have engaged a certified applicator to treat the lake again this year to fight against the invasive Eurasian watermilfoil weeds that had returned to Pleasure Lake after we treated the lake in 2016 with excellent success. We are tentatively scheduled for a treatment (weather dependent) on Monday or Tuesday May 20th-21st; the lake will be lowered a bit ahead of the treatment to allow the treatment to be most effective in targeting the plants and minimize outflow over the dam. The second treatment is planned for mid-June. Watch for updates on Facebook or here on our website. Any questions, feel free to contact Jerry Chioccio.
***All members should ensure that the road ditch adjacent to their lot is clear and water can run freely. This is critical to keep our roads in good shape throughout the season. ***
Finally, we look forward to a great summer filled with plenty of fun, friends, events and lots of fishing & boating. We have a full slate of upcoming events for 2024 please volunteer to help with some of these events!
Should you have any questions or require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact us.
As the Fallsburg Fishing & Boating Club (“FF&BC”) readies for the upcoming 2024 Summer season, the Board of Directors reminds you of the following important items:
First, our Semi Annual Membership Meeting will be held on Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 9:30 am at the Clubhouse. All Active Members are welcome and encouraged to attend. The annual Work Party will be the morning before, on Memorial Day weekend Saturday, May 25th starting at 9am; work is expected to conclude by noon and we will meet at the Clubhouse for a BBQ. The Call to Meeting and various membership documents (including Annual Meeting minutes from September 2023, the proposed budget and updated House Rules and Building Guidelines) are available on the Members Documents tab of the website.
Second, we have sought and obtained permits from the NYS DEC and have engaged a certified applicator to treat the lake again this year to fight against the invasive Eurasian watermilfoil weeds that had returned to Pleasure Lake after we treated the lake in 2016 with excellent success. We are tentatively scheduled for a treatment (weather dependent) on Monday or Tuesday May 20th-21st; the lake will be lowered a bit ahead of the treatment to allow the treatment to be most effective in targeting the plants and minimize outflow over the dam. The second treatment is planned for mid-June. Watch for updates on Facebook or here on our website. Any questions, feel free to contact Jerry Chioccio.
***All members should ensure that the road ditch adjacent to their lot is clear and water can run freely. This is critical to keep our roads in good shape throughout the season. ***
Finally, we look forward to a great summer filled with plenty of fun, friends, events and lots of fishing & boating. We have a full slate of upcoming events for 2024 please volunteer to help with some of these events!
Should you have any questions or require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Announcements (February 14, 2024)
The 2023 Season was a great success - and 2024 is looking to be terrific as well. Thanks to all who make Pleasure Lake the greatest place in the world !!!
We had a few changes at our Annual Shareholder Meeting in September 2023:
Big thanks to Bob Scott who retired as Vice-President and congratulations to Jerry Chiocchio for his election to VP.
With this change in roles, Jerry's Board of Directors position was vacant and Wray Voegelin was appointed on September 5th by the Board of Directors to fill the one year remainder of Jerry's unexpired Director position.
At the September 5th Board of Directors meeting, Mick Meier also announced that he was stepping off the Board of Directors, leaving another position open; the Board of Directors appointed Bob Giaimo to fill the two years remaining on Mick's unexpired term on the Board of Directors. Congratulations Bob!
The Board of Directors and all of the membership wish to express our grateful appreciation to Bob Scott and Mick Meier for each of their many years of hard work and contributions to our Club. They have both earned a well-deserved break from the many meetings and projects that each of them have been involved with, and the Club is indebted to both for making Pleasure Lake a better place!
Please free to contact us if you have any questions as we continue to test our water and upstream point sources and watch for potential problems upstream and advocate for clean water and environmental protection in the Pleasure Lake and Neversink watersheds. We will continue to hand pull invasive water chestnuts this year as we plan our attack on the growth of invasives in 2024.
We are continuing our single stream recycling system, so all cans, bottles and FLATTENED cardboard go in the same smaller dumpster for pickup and sorting at the Thompson facility.
We now have two stump dump areas for stumps and large branches - please remember only organic material at these locations.
Keep doing a great job!
Please stay vigilant throughout the summer - the Lake is generally clear and in excellent shape throughout most of the year, but warm weather conditions in the summer can set up lakes around NYS for the “bad” algae to collect into a HAB (harmful algal bloom). Be especially careful with dogs and children if you spot a HAB condition. We will continue to watch this coming year, but please use caution as HABs often move around depending on wind and other conditions. Our frequent testing gives us good & timely information, but we all need to stay vigilant.
Thanks so much to Bill V and Mick M & our caretaker Jim R for their hard work keeping our water levels where they need to be during all seasons and for ensuring that our dam remains safe and well maintained! Our 10 year engineering study for the dam was completed last year and our annual DEC inspection showed that all is in good shape.
Check the Member Documents password protected page for more info.
Life Jacket Law Notice
From May 1st through October 31st, NYS Law requires that all youth under the age of 12 must wear a securely fastened personal floatation device in any boat.
NYS Nav. Law Section 40.1(d).
From Nov 1 - May 1, all people in a boat regardless of age must wear a PFD.
"This includes canoes, kayaks, rowboats and motorboats ..." NYS Nav. Law Section 40.1(e).
Clean Your Ditches and Avoid Fines:
All members should ensure that your road ditch is clear and water can run freely – this is critical to keep our roads in good shape at this time. Please note that Members who fail to do so will be fined per our House Rules.
Note that information on events and latest news, forms and updates are regularly posted here on our web site.
Members and family may also join our FaceBook Pleasure Lake Group for timely news updates, event reminders, photos, social messages and neighborhood items of interest. Request to join at:
The dumpster is FOR MEMBER USE ONLY.
This dumpster is ONLY for members' household garbage (nothing is to be placed around the dumpster - no BBQs, boats, chairs etc). Please continue to separate your recyclables and PLEASE BREAK DOWN CARDBOARD BOXES!
Remember that our cameras at the dumpster are operational and fines will be imposed for any improper dumping.
More news and updates are shared periodically in membership emails, on the Events tab of this website and on our Facebook Group Page.
Keep up the good work everyone!

As always, it is important to remind everyone to
stay safe and use common sense since road conditions are constantly changing.
Parking areas at the yellow gate and at the clubhouse are always open for your use and are recommended for use during adverse weather and for overflow guest parking.
Please be sure that all docks and boats are properly secured so that they do not break free during storm events, etc.
House Rule AW (Amended)
As part of our ongoing efforts to preserve the Pleasure Lake watershed, and at the direction of the membership at the Club's Annual Meeting on September 2, 2018, the Board of Directors has amended House Rule AW (effective 1/1/2019):
“A new member land preservation assessment fee of $3,000 will be collected from every new member to the Club upon any transfer of a share except a transfer between spouses or between a parent and a child where no consideration is exchanged. Revenues from the new member land preservation assessment fee shall be deposited in the Club’s Land Purchase Fund. Such assessment fee shall apply to any transfer of shares occurring on or after January 1, 2019. The purpose of this assessment is to assist with the funding plan to preserve Pleasure Lake and its surrounding watershed. The Club’s Land Purchase Fund has been established to help fund acquisitions of interests or rights in real property for the preservation of Pleasure Lake’s watershed, including preservation of open space, brooks or streams flowing into the lake and preservation of forested lands surrounding Pleasure Lake. (Amended 09/18/2018)”
Launch sites are located at the Clubhouse and
on the West Shore (between the dam and the hill)
Amended House Rule AO Adopted by Membership:
AO. All boats new to the lake (including guest boats which must bear the name of the member in 3 inch letters) must first be approved by the Board of Directors. For a boat previously used on any other lake or waterway, the member will be required to provide to the Board of Directors proof of steam cleaning of the used boat, or certify that the boat has been checked, cleaned and dried/disinfected in accordance with NYS Department of Environmental Conservation regulation 6 NYCRR Part 576 Aquatic Invasive Species Spread Prevention; in addition, every boat/watercraft (as well as equipment trailer) from another lake or waterway as well as any Pleasure Lake boat that has been stored anywhere outside Club property must be cleaned and inspected at the clubhouse cleaning station and the member must certify completion in the log prior to being launched into Pleasure Lake by members and/or third-parties in order to prevent the spread of any aquatic invasive species (AIS) in the Pleasure Lake environment. (Amended 5/29/2016)
Get a copy of the New York State DEC's
I FISH NY Beginners' Guide to Freshwater Fishing
fishing guide by going our Links page or go directly to the DEC site at:
*MEMBERS ARE ALSO ENCOURAGED TO REGULARLY VISIT & READ THE FF&BC MEMBERS DOCUMENTS PAGE (A Password Protected area on this website which provides valuable member info including our Lake Management Blog, Meeting Minutes, Rules, Member Lists & more)
Cabin Evaluation Forms:
Please return one if you have not done so already.
Our FF&BC Memorial Tribute area is a great place for members to remember a past member or loved one in a very special way here at Pleasure Lake.
A patio area with two stone benches has been constructed behind dam (southwest side), & it has been very well received by the members.
Engraved pavers can be purchased for only $50 to remember former members or loved ones who have passed away; those pavers will be mounted on the wall of the dam facing the new memorial patio and benches. We hope you agree that this is a tasteful and appropriate way to remember those who helped to make Pleasure Lake such a special place.
Memorial Tributes information can be found on the page
on this website for more information.
NYS Law now requires all people born in 1978 or later under "Brianna's Law" must now hold a Boater's Certificate in order to operate a motorboat of any kind in any waterway in New York. This requirement extends to ALL motor boat operators beginning in 2025.
Please be sure to comply with these important laws to ensure your safety.
Help Protect Pleasure Lake and all our New York Waters from AIS

The 2024 schedule is posted
(subject to change).
More details and flyers for Club events are posted on our Events page and in our private Facebook Club group page.
Connect with your Neighbors via Facebook

Are you on Facebook? Connect with other Pleasure Lake members, family and friends at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fallsburgfishingandboatingclub
If you have any questions or would like to contact the Board of Directors,
please contact our caretaker, Jim Reynolds via email at [email protected]
or by telephone at (845) 434-5782 [home], (914) 799-1416 [cell].
Mail can be sent to his attention at P.O. Box 604, 168 Lake Street, South Fallsburg, N.Y. 12779
President James Creighton
Vice-president Jerry Chiocchio
Secretary Cliff Smith
Treasurer Nora Obringer
Directors Steve Altman
Wray Voegelin
Ken Lang
Mary Barresi
Bob Giaimo
House - Cliff Smith (chairman), Bob Scott, Ken Lang, Bill Voegelin,
Mick Meier, Jim Reynolds, Ike Jennings & Roger Wild
Legal - James Creighton (chairman), Jim Reynolds
Dam - Bill Voegelin, Jim Reynolds, Mick Meier, James Creighton
Membership - James Creighton & Cliff Smith
Boundary - Michael Meier, Bob Scott, Doug Keating & Jim Creighton
Tree - Jim Reynolds, Ken Lang, James Creighton, Mick Meier & Bob Scott
Water testing - Mick Meier, Bob Scott & Bob McPhillips
Annual Fishing Contest - Ken Lang and committee
Communications Committee - Mary Barresi, Jim Creighton
Pavilion Scheduling/Use Committee - Jim Reynolds (caretaker)
AIS Subcommittee - Jerry Chiocchio (chairman), Lorine Harr, Bill Voegelin,
Mary Barresi, Michele LaBagh, Gretjen Clausing, Matthew Pringle, James Creighton
Town Liaison Committee - Steve Altman (chairman), James Creighton, Bob Scott &
Jerry Chiocchio
Land/Property - James Creighton, Bill Voegelin & Steve Altman